Sudden Death 1977

When Ed Neilson's entire family is viciously murdered, he pleads with retired CIA operative Duke Smith (Robert Conrad) to investigate. He refuses, but relents after Neilson too meets an explosive death. Deception, international intrigue and a ruthless "syndicate of businessmen" intent on raping a South Pacific Islands nation of its resources keep the pace fast..

Réalisée par: Caruth C. Byrd Productions
Actors: Robert ConradDon Stroud , Don Stroud, Felton Perry, John Ashley, Nancy Conrad, Thayer David, Aline Samson, Larry Manetti, Jenny Green, Angelo Ventura, Connie Mason, Eddie Garcia, Joanna Ignatius, Vic Diaz, Ron Vawter
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
0 0 1977-05-01 84

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