Erotic Tales 1980

Three women are secretly plush prostitutes. They are successively called by a mysterious person to have sex with three different men and assuage their weird fantasies..

Réalisée par: Belstar Productions , Cathala Productions
Actors: Carina BaroneFrançoise Gayat , Françoise Gayat, Zora Kerova, Gérard Lauzier, Antonio Ferrante, Vito Fornari, Carmen Russo, Béatrice Philippe, Serge Feuillard, Salima Gardel, Maria Rosaria, Fabienne Mai, Geneviève Omini, Domenico Trogu, Piero Vivaldi, Joëlle Pilven
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
1.5 2 1980-06-25 80

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