Truxa 1937

The famous tightrope artist Truxa is drinking at the Artisan bar in New York. He meets a young man, Husen, and gives him his stage name Truxa. He is to take the real Truxa's place at a circus show in Wintergarten, Berlin..

Réalisée par: Tobis-Magna-Filmproduktion
Actors: La JanaHannes Stelzer , Hannes Stelzer, Ernst Fritz Fürbringer, Rudi Godden, Mady Rahl, Peter Elsholtz, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Eva Tinschmann, Hedi Höpfner, Margot Höpfner, Erwin Biegel, Curt Lucas, Bertold Reissig, Alfred Stratmann, Hermann Pfeiffer, Curt Cappi
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
5 3 1937-01-19 92

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