Drowning on Dry Land 1999

A taxi driver (Naveen Andrews) picks up a fare (Barbara Hershey) in Manhattan. She offers the driver a large sum to drive her to the desert. While the pair drive across the country, the woman tries various strategies to lure the driver into conversation. Despite his reticence, the pair begins a tumultuous and steamy relationship..

Réalisée par: Cargo Films , Cineville
Actors: Barbara HersheyNaveen Andrews , Naveen Andrews, John Doe, Carol Lynley, Stephen Polk, John Taylor, Siri Baruc, Genevieve Maylam, Gina Belafonte, Bryan Beck, Mary Portser, Dendrie Taylor, Shania Accius
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
4.5 6 1999-10-01 88

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