Steps of Faith 2014

What would you do if you told the world you heard God's voice and no one believed you? Steps of Faith, is a light-heart dramedy about Faith Houston an accountant, who is directed by God to move to a small town to work on a Hippotherapy farm helping children. Faith is mocked by her family since she doesn't have a rapport with children or animals and is not a devout Christian..

Réalisée par: Poorchild Films , Reda Jo Films
Actors: Charles Malik WhitfieldChrystee Pharris , Chrystee Pharris, Irma P. Hall, Ted Lange, Tracey Ross, Kenneisha Thompson, Gail Cronauer, Amy Weber, Christian Heep, Sharice Henry Chasi, Monica Peña
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
8 4 2014-08-16 95

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