Gavilán o Paloma 1985

José José was born in a Mexican family of talented musicians. His father was an alcoholic operatic tenor and his mother was a pianist. Growing up in the tough neighborhoods of Mexico City, José began his career as a singer in serenades, and later in a jazz trio. His father died and his career took off due to his enormous talent. José started a relationship with Anel (Bach), a beautiful young actress, but because of his alcoholism and infidelities, she leaves him. José marries Kiki Herrera (Gina Romand), a beautiful socialite twenty years older than he is. After several fights and irreconcilable differences, José leaves her. After suffering a terrible pneumonia that nearly ended his career, Anel returns to be by his side and he recovers. After a couple of years without success, José signed a contract with a major record label and returns to the pinnacle of success to stay there for the rest of his career..

Réalisée par:
Actors: José JoséChristian Bach , Christian Bach, Gina Romand, Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo, Fernando Palavicini
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
5.5 4 1985-09-20 110

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