Henry Gamble's Birthday Party 2015

Henry Gamble's Birthday Party takes place over 24 hours at the birthday pool party of 17-year-old preacher's kid Henry Gamble. The party guests include adults and teenagers from his church, as well as Henry's "secular" friends, including the closeted young Logan, who has eyes for Henry..

Réalisée par: Cone Arts , Sunroom Pictures
Actors: Cole DomanPat Healy , Pat Healy, Elizabeth Laidlaw, Nina Ganet, Daniel Kyri, Francis Guinan, Hanna Dworkin, Darci Nalepa, Patrick Andrews, Meg Thalken, Kelly O'Sullivan, Travis Knight, Melanie Neilan, Grace Melon, Tyler Ross, Joe Keery
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
6.041 73 2015-12-20 86

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