Süßer September 2015

Rebecca and Bruno meet in a bar, in a not particularly happy moment of their life, and they start dating. They consider themselves just friends and talk to each other about everything. But if Rebecca stops being so worried about what the bourgeoisie might think and say, and if Bruno realizes he can't live without Rebecca, they will both understand reality..

Réalisée par: ARD , Ziegler Film
Actors: Caroline PetersMišel Matičević , Mišel Matičević, Regula Grauwiller, Samuel Schneider, Anatole Taubman, Thomas Limpinsel, Nadine Wrietz, Amelie Plaas-Link, Daniel Roesner, Christian Serritiello, Marin Caktas, Katharina Spiering, Niels Bormann, Elisabeth Degen, Amelie Plaas-Link, Ilona Schulz
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
4.2 4 2015-06-08 90

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