Take Me in Your Arms 1954

Fishing-village girl sacrifices her reputation to the local banker to protect her family; fron there, she follows the path of least resistance, but she never forgets the fiance she left behind....

Réalisée par: Producciones Calderón S.A.
Actors: Ninón SevillaArmando Silvestre , Armando Silvestre, Andrés Soler, Rodolfo Acosta, Rosenda Monteros, Julio Villarreal, Carlos López Moctezuma, Andrea Palma, Consuelo Guerrero de Luna, Víctor Alcocer, Antonio Bravo, Estela Matute, Aurora Cortés, Humberto Rodríguez, Francisco Pando
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
5 4 1954-04-30 98

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