Backseat Fighter 2016

Mark is a nomad fighter who is taken in the backseat of a car to fight in underground combats. He meets Sandy, a young and beautiful prostitute who shares his same desire: forget the pain and begin their lives from zero. But Mark's past will catch up to him, putting in danger Sandy, his escape plan, and all the people who surround him..

Réalisée par: Mario Pagano y Cinema Malpaso Producciones SL UTE
Actors: Iván SánchezMartina García , Martina García, Frank Feys, Elia Galera, Marta Blanc, Franky Martín, Armando Buika, Rubén Sanz
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
5.1 5 2016-11-25 84

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