The World on the Wing of the Pigeon 1989

The film tells about Reda, the taxi driver, who happens to be playing in the airport queue by delivering a wealthy widow from abroad named Eman..

Réalisée par:
Actors: Mahmoud Abdel AzizMervat Amin , Mervat Amin, Yousuf Shaaban, Ahmed Rateb, Yousuf Shaaban, Inam Salusah, Sanaa Younes, Shaaban Hussein, Fouad Khalil, Mohamed Atris, Mohamed El Showehy, Ahmed Kamel Morsi, Ahmad Bedir, Othman Abdel Moneim, Ahmed Abu Abiya
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
5.5 2 1989-01-16 128

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