Black Amber 2017

Forty years separate Maria Eugênia, or Maê, a writer from Pernambuco based out of France, from the couple Miguel and Lúcia, who has just celebrated their 40-year anniversary. Maê's return uncovers old doubts and suspicions. Miguel, a sociology professor and former political prisoner, wants to face the truth, and Lúcia, his life partner who has dedicated herself to getting him out of prison, wants to escape from it. From the point of view of these three main characters we learn about political events..

Réalisée par: Plano 9 Produções Audiovisuais
Actors: Aderbal Freire FilhoJuliana Carneiro da Cunha , Juliana Carneiro da Cunha, Augusta Ferraz, Rodrigo Riszla, Sarah Raquel
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
8 2 2017-10-05 97

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