The Chemist 2012

Nathan, 10th grade, awkward and shy, has a passion for chemistry and an inventive imagination. But after being ridiculed in class, he becomes ashamed of his talents. Paralyzed by fear, Nathan is unable to approach the cute, eccentric, nerd of his dreams, Lyra. All of that changes, however, when the boy stumbles upon The Chemist, a magic potion shop run by a mysterious old man, Mr. Mulberry..

Réalisée par: University of Southern California , School of Cinematic Arts
Actors: Philip LabesKate Flexter , Kate Flexter, Leon Russom, Braden Moran, George Loomis, Anissa Borrego, Katie Barker
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
0 0 2012-05-10 15

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