Do You Swim? 2002

A unfulfilled man tries to find something to ling to, traveling from town to town, in one of them he'll find enough reason to stay..

Réalisée par: Primer Plano Film Group
Actors: Juan Cruz BordeuLeticia Brédice , Leticia Brédice, Antonio Birabent, Iván González, Mariana Briski, Patricia Echegoyen, Rita Cortese, Damián Dreizik, Gabriel Lobianco, Sergio Boris, Rolo Puente, Aldana Miró, Graciela Borges, Eugenia Capizzano, Pablo Ini, Jazmín Rodríguez
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
6 1 2002-10-31 89

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