Maling Kutang 2009

In this comedy, Syamsul is envious of Ina, his rival grocer. One day, he sees Ina worshiping a bra that he thinks is the talisman that increases Ina’s sales. In fact, Ina is checking a bra she had just found. Provoked by his wife, Syamsul intends to steal the bra..

Réalisée par: Maxima Pictures
Actors: Arie K. UntungIndra Birowo , Indra Birowo, Deswita Maharani, Kinaryosih, Sogi Indra Dhuaja, Fanny Fadillah, Nani Widjaja, Cahya Kamila, Daus Separo, Oka Sugawa, Epy Kusnandar, Lia Aulia, Norman R. Akyuwen, Abun Hadi, Ivan Permana, Harry Ranyan
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
0 0 2009-10-01 80

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