The Adventures of Mister Perfect and Friends 2021

The story revolves around Justine Carolynn, the girlfriend of hero Mister Perfect (Maxwell Byron), and her journey from turning selfish to selfless. On her path she makes new friends and realizes the hero within her, however, not everyone is a fan of her changing her ways. With comedy and a plot unlike any superhero movie in Hollywood (both Florida and California), this is a film you don’t want to miss..

Réalisée par: BER Productions, LLC
Actors: Gabriella EnriquezBennett Sommer , Bennett Sommer, Irene Newman, Justin Cook, Wade Augustin, Leonardo Do Prado, Fadwiny Jean, Robert Ramirez, Andrea Hanna, Kyshawn Eulett, Kierstin Rose, Amanda Gonzalez, Luigi Sgarbi, Adam Leneberg, Lowrence Toussaint, Donovan Campbell
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
10 1 2021-01-04 77

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