The Ballad of Piargy 2022

It's spring 1939. The bishop in Banska Bystrica finds out that in the village of Piargy, that was buried by an avalanche a few days ago, the Antichrist was born. The bishop calls on priest Balaz and asks him to investigate the statements of Johanka, the only survivor of the catastrophe. Balaz wants to know what exactly happened in Piargy..

Réalisée par: Arina , i/o post
Actors: Judit PecháčekAttila Mokos , Attila Mokos, Daniel Fischer, Lucia Klein Svoboda, Jana Kvantiková, Jana Oľhová, Lucia Šipošová, Marián Geišberg, Ivan Martinka, Peter Nádašdi, Verica Nedeska
Countrys: UnitedStates

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0 0 2022-09-22 100

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