Chiquititas 2006 serie TV

The series focuses about orphans living in a manor, known as Rincón de Luz, where they're guided by a young woman that represents a maternal figure for them..

Réalisée par: Telefe
Actors: Carolina PampilloFacundo Aguilar , Facundo Aguilar, Nicole Popper, Ricardo Aiello, Camila Castro, Guido Pennelli, Luciano Ruiz, Geraldine Visciglio, Dolores Sarmiento, María Carámbula, Mariana Richaudeau, Peter Lanzani, Mariana Briski, Gonzalo Heredia, Jorgelina Aruzzi, Alejo Garcia Pintos
Countrys: UnitedStates

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7 4 2006 54.562

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