Doctor Who Am I 2022

In 1996, a Doctor Who TV movie was envisioned to lead the franchise into an exciting new future with a fresh direction but was met only by an outcry from disapproving fans. Now, follow the film’s screenwriter, Matthew Jacobs, as he is pulled back into the world of the Doctor Who fandom, where he unexpectedly finds himself a kindred part of this close-knit, yet vast, family of fans..

Réalisée par: American Anorak
Actors: Matthew JacobsPaul McGann , Paul McGann, Daphne Ashbrook, Eric Roberts, Eliza Roberts, Philip David Segal, Nicholas Briggs, Vanessa Yuille
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
10 1 2022-10-27 80

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