Go for It, Baby 1968

Martin is 25 years old and very reserved about work. Together with his buddy Henry, he lives in their Schwabing apartment in the day. But everything changes when he falls in love with the attractive Barbara and observed a slump: For when he gives up the police report, the officials themselves suspect him of the crime. In addition, he still owes a text to the hit producer Viktor Block. Suddenly Martin is up to his ears in chaos..

Réalisée par: Peter Schamoni Film
Actors: Werner EnkeUschi Glas , Uschi Glas, Henry van Lyck, Helmut Brasch, Inge Marschall, Martin Lüttge, Rainer Basedow, Edith Volkmann
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
6.8 5 1968-01-04 80

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