Laocoon & Sons 1975

Ottinger’s debut film already contains many of the elements that would appear in her later works: an extraordinary woman, an unusual country, and a chain of magic transformations that give rise to eccentric characterizations by an ensemble cast, here featuring Tabea Blumenschein in multiple roles. Inspired by Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, Ottinger’s allegorical work explores themes of death, destruction, and resurrection. With striking camerawork reminiscent of the antics of avant-garde psychodramas, Laocoon & Sons is filled with an exuberant sense of life, myth, tradition, and magic..

Réalisée par:
Actors: Tabea BlumenscheinUlrike Ottinger , Ulrike Ottinger, Max Ernst
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
6 2 1975-03-27 48

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