Doctor Glas 1968

Doctor Glas finds himself attracted to a young woman, married to a corrupt clergyman. She's miserable in her marriage, so he agrees to help in anyway he can. But he is quickly torn between passion and morality..

Réalisée par: Laterna Film
Actors: Per OscarssonLone Hertz , Lone Hertz, Ulf Palme, Bente Dessau, Nils Eklund, Lars Lunøe, Bendt Rothe, Helle Hertz, Ingolf David, Jonas Bergström, Per Bentzon Goldschmidt, Helge Scheuer, Annemette Svendsen, Marie-Louise Coninck
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
6.4 9 1968-06-12 83

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