Betrayal 1999

This film shows three episodes: "The First Sin" portrays the relationship of a man and married woman; in "Devilish", the desire between a young woman and her brother-in-law is shown; and in the episode "Cachorro!", a man sees his wife with her lover..

Réalisée par: Conspiração Filmes , Ravina Produções
Actors: Pedro CardosoFernanda Torres , Fernanda Torres, Alexandre Borges, Ludmila Dayer, Daniel Dantas, Drica Moraes, Francisco Cuoco, Jorge Dória, Dandara Guerra, Fernanda Montenegro, José Henrique Fonseca, Tonico Pereira
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
6.3 6 1999-02-26 104

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